Saturday, April 25, 2009

Roll to Reisterstown

A truly rippin day!

This is Bajeebas bringin you the fresh scoop on what the Defstick team is up to.

I first got my vittles on this morning took a huge crap and intended on just workin on some flat land behind the CVS. I dodged a few cars attempting to pick up prescriptions from the window and manualed about and attempted a few tre-flips. I soon realized that Everett was probably not coming for one reason or another. He probably thought to meet at his house. Anyway I had to bust up his video game session in order to commense rippitude. We gathered up the gear and with his ass hangin out the back of his jeans we prepared for Reisterstown.

Reisterstown has a nice little ramp farm out behind Hanna Moore. It's like a school for retards or something. Anyway the prize of that park(in my mind) is the miniramp. Although I like em a little bigger this one has nice tranny, mellow coping, and a sweet spine that leads into the street course. The Defstick team was a little distracted today, though. Tim was takin some youngin to prom. Awwww! I hope he doesn't get arrested! Lunchbox was off, God knows where, doin Satan knows what. But Ev and I still made the trip and I got the sundurn and bruises to prove it.

The locals were quickly impressed with Everett's talent and jaws dropped as he yanked some nice blunt to airwalk fakies! Booyaka! Huge boneless on the quarter pipe. Like five feet above the coping! I was feeling mellow and only putting on a show here and there. Laying down my nice surf style with some sick berts on the half pipe, smiths, and backside 5-0 to tail slide about a mile long. yea a full mile! As I was in the middle of the trick the ramp somehow morphed as the infinite vortex opened up.

The sun was beating down pretty crucial so Def require some shade. mellowing out Ev begins a quest for a cigarrete. He is quickly challenged to do a trick in exchange for a cigarrete. 360 boneless down a five set for a jack? Deal! Got it on the thired try. Soon enough Everett was smokin and jokin with the locals while I commensed to terrorize the park. When Everett got done his pollution solution he laid waste to half pipe. crankin out some huge kickflip to fakie! Cleanest I ever seen! launchin some fakie ollies which were quite floaty indeed. And sealing the deal with a feeble on the spine.

Even though the crew was trunkated today Defstick was still in full effect! Oh yea mother f@#kers! We'll be back! And we'll take no prisoners!

Def out!


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