Ooooh it was a hot day on Saturday! Lots of heat and still lots of stoke! Your ol' pal Bajeebas was even a judge for an event when I wasn't competing myself of course. I've been pumped ever since the event and it is two days later. I may have fractured my hand but I can still play drums and piano so there is no need to go to the hospital. I just can't put a lot of pressure on it. the bottom corner aches like a sumanumbeeotch!
SO! I had the honor of judging the 40+ category of pool skating which was insane! It was really hard to judge such legends as Mike Mapp, Bob Pribble, Umbel, BOO, and Dan Brown! Boo secured first place with his gnarly forever run in the deep end. Hitting coping back to back with laybacks, tail-blocks, front and backside airs and super power in general. Dan Brown had insane invert variations in the deep-end. Mike Mapp lit the pool on fire and scared little children with his fierce expressions while slashed the F#$K out of the place. Umbel had back to back stand up grinds in all three bowls of the pool, shallow, medium, and deep. Pribble went off grinding the death box, yanking front side airs, slashing, and squeezing out a crazy boneless in the deep-end.
The most notable skater of the day, in my opinion, was Jake Hilbish. At the tender age of 17 this kid placed in the top three of several events of the day. Advanced street, was insane! I thought he blew his knee out in the middle of his run but it was just a severe cramp. Pool for Jake was even more insane! He did lien to tail, big ol' 360, huge airs, stalefish, and grinding everywhere. Jake even pulled a blunt to fakie inside the deathbox! Jake even had the nerve to compete in the longboard event.
Jake should be a pro! And so should you!
Find out how to become a professional skateboarder!!
Bajeebas was in true form during the most intense event of the evening! The last pool competition of the day. Ages 18 - 39. Fueled by Red Bull, Fried chicken, and lots of watermelon I broke the sound barrier as I carved every inch of that monster pool. Taking a pause to ease into a smith stall, heading to the deep - end for mean powerslide ten feet up the wall all the way across the tiles. Floating lofty airs and laying into 50 - 50's the whole way around the shallow faster than I ever did before. I was truckin aso fast in the jam with my DEFSTICK BEARINGS that my body went faster than my board at the end and I pitched straight to the flat. That shook me pretty good. I think this is where I broke my hand, but fortunately, the body is miraculous and heals!
It was a great day! Hopefully the next stop on the tour in St Mary's county won't be 110 mother F#$King degrees!
coming up tomorrow is the Glory Bound Tour with Mike V. Check out the website, and see wher it is coming near your neighborhood. Should be awesome!!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Training in Olney & Warped Tour

OOOO baby!! Bajeebas liking that pool coping!
Got this photo last Saturday when I was skating 'Old Man Session' at the pool in Olney. The thing I like about these sessions is that it is opposite of the norm. One or two people are in the street course and every one is crowded around the pool getting their steez on! So my pads turned out to be a bummer. You would think that any pads that cost $80 would survive two sessions. I bought these effin Pro-tec drop-ins. They looked like they would do the trick. I should have gone with my gut instinct and stick with the 187s. I've ridden 187 for almost ten years and they were bomb. I've ridden these Pro-tecs two times and they ripped on me. They have a cool butterfly flap in the back that makes it so you don't have to take your shoe off to put the pad on. But, unfortunately, it is shoddy construction. the butterfly ripped at the seam and right behind the velcro tore a big hole. I better get a refund!
Thanks to Steph Murdock at Skatepark Of Baltimore I got to skate the mini ramp at Warped Tour! It was awesome! My heart was pounding! The music was deafening! The sun was boiling! The crowds were raging! And Captain Bajeebas of the SS Defstick was rippin! The ramp was perfect. Perfect height and width. When you stood down in the crowd the music didn't seem as loud. I guess because it was muffled by the bodies. But up on top of the ramp the sound from three stages blasted you right in the face. In the Midday sun the metal half pipe turned into a skillet. All aspects of the experience was intense.
Spent some good time raising money for S.O.B. too. We raised nearly $800 dollars that day. It was fun talking to all the people and getting stoopid on the megaphone! I tells ya! Put a megaphone in Bajeebas' hand and you don't know what'll happen! I have a new appreciation for Loud!! Hopefully this leads to greater levels of DEF not deaf. LMAO
knee pads,
skatepark of Baltimore,
Warped Tour
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Warped Tour!!
Warped Tour here I come baby!
Lets get our skateboard shred on, fresh punk, and cash for concrete!
Lets get our skateboard shred on, fresh punk, and cash for concrete!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Bajeebas @ Charm City
I rode my skateboard last night at Charm City skate park. I spent my time mostly in the bowl but I went over to the spine ramp a few times. I love skating that spine even though I got my worst injury ever on that thing. Broke my ankle so bad my foot was twisted around completely backwards! Nasty! Nauseating! Last night was good though. No serious injuries. I found out some pros are coming around soon!
wanna become a pro? click here!!
Yep! Mike V, Duane Peters, and some other heads are gonna put on a demo in a couple of weeks. Should be dope. I've developed an interest in Mike V over the past couple of months because I am subscribed to his channel on Youtube and he posts some pretty rad stuff very regularly. I know most people just think about him as the dude who gets in fights but I like the way that aggression translates into his skating. Also, probably because he comes from an older batch of riders when skating was gnarly, less tech, more power, just straight rippin!!
So I was cleaning up my frontside grinds around the corners in the bowl. I got some standard frontside airs way out of the hip. When I do those it's like time stands still. Threw a good board-slide into my run and managed to squeeze out a quick foot plant. Everything was perfect until right at the end my board bashed me right in the same spot at the base of my right achilles. It didn't hit me very hard but it hurt like hell so I called it a night. I got in three solid hours of gnarl, so I was happy.
skateboard secrets!!
wanna become a pro? click here!!
Yep! Mike V, Duane Peters, and some other heads are gonna put on a demo in a couple of weeks. Should be dope. I've developed an interest in Mike V over the past couple of months because I am subscribed to his channel on Youtube and he posts some pretty rad stuff very regularly. I know most people just think about him as the dude who gets in fights but I like the way that aggression translates into his skating. Also, probably because he comes from an older batch of riders when skating was gnarly, less tech, more power, just straight rippin!!
So I was cleaning up my frontside grinds around the corners in the bowl. I got some standard frontside airs way out of the hip. When I do those it's like time stands still. Threw a good board-slide into my run and managed to squeeze out a quick foot plant. Everything was perfect until right at the end my board bashed me right in the same spot at the base of my right achilles. It didn't hit me very hard but it hurt like hell so I called it a night. I got in three solid hours of gnarl, so I was happy.
skateboard secrets!!
board slide,
Charm City,
Duane Peters,
Mike Vallely,
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Got some new knee pads!!
I just bought some new knee pads and its time to off in the pool. My other ones were good but old and they kept sliding down. Now I got some that aren't going anywhere and I can but a knee slide comfortably with no fear. This means I'm heading for the deep-end!
wanna learn some skateboard secrets? Click Here!
I'm rolling with Steph Murdock to the Warped tour next week and it should be dope. Gonna get to skate a nice half pipe in front of thousands of people while the freshest punk rock flows through the air. Gonna be moving fast on My Defstick bearings. Helping Steph promote The Skatepark of Baltimore will be good. Hopefully we will raise some good money.
My heel injury has turned out to be only painful. My leg is still functional it just hurts. This is probably the best kind of injury i could want. It doesn't hurt when i skate and I can hit all my tricks. It just hurts like hell when i stop and I have a cute little lump at the base of my achilles. Whatever. I'm rolling. Tonight I go skate at Charm city. I was gonna practice at olney but it is raining. So indoors I go
skateboard secrets!! Click Here!
I just bought some new knee pads and its time to off in the pool. My other ones were good but old and they kept sliding down. Now I got some that aren't going anywhere and I can but a knee slide comfortably with no fear. This means I'm heading for the deep-end!
wanna learn some skateboard secrets? Click Here!
I'm rolling with Steph Murdock to the Warped tour next week and it should be dope. Gonna get to skate a nice half pipe in front of thousands of people while the freshest punk rock flows through the air. Gonna be moving fast on My Defstick bearings. Helping Steph promote The Skatepark of Baltimore will be good. Hopefully we will raise some good money.
My heel injury has turned out to be only painful. My leg is still functional it just hurts. This is probably the best kind of injury i could want. It doesn't hurt when i skate and I can hit all my tricks. It just hurts like hell when i stop and I have a cute little lump at the base of my achilles. Whatever. I'm rolling. Tonight I go skate at Charm city. I was gonna practice at olney but it is raining. So indoors I go
skateboard secrets!! Click Here!
knee pads,
skatepark of Baltimore,
Warped Tour
Friday, July 9, 2010
Jacked up Heel
Defstick Team rider Bajeebas here telling you what's up. Been getting ready for a couple of pool competitions coming. Skated really hard last week which resulted in my heel injury at FDR. I've been able to ride a little bit this week but only flat land cause its been super hot and when I roll it feel like my achilles might pop. Don't want that to happen!! So i been doing the therapy skate. I'm about to get some new kneepads cause the elastic on the ones I have now is worn so every once in a while they sip down on me which really pisses me off. I think I'll stick to the 187's cause they work real nice for vert and pools.
get some bearings!
get some bearings!
Monday, July 5, 2010
FDR Philadelphia
Bajeebas went on a mission to FDR on Saturday! It has been a while since I went there. Maybe ten years. Since the last time I went they built a new section on the bowl including a huge keyhole and a separate pool. This strongly influences my desire to live in Philly. That park has everything I like to skate. Vert ramp, Mini ramp, an extensive bowl, and a seperate pool. The place is gnarly! I spent most of my visit this time on the vert ramp. There was a pretty good session going so I eagerly joined in. Wanna get more comfortable on really high transition so I can get more deep-end tricks in the pool in the Mid Atlantic Skate Series (MASS). I was rolling fast as hell! Of course I was flying on my Defstick abec 7 bearings! In the middle of the sesh I got the worst snake bite ever! I went into a knee slide after trying some hair brained trick on the vert ramp and my board comes down from like twenty feet in the air and cracks me right at the base of my achilles tendon. It hurt a lot to skate but I kept rolling because I was so pumped. That probably agitated the thing more. Now, two day later it is bruised and swollen. I also have serious decrease in movement. Not to worry! With my supreme yogi jedi skills I should be skating aggressively again in a week tops.
When I skated the key hole I quickly gained applause from some groms who were flicking boogers nearby. When i skated the pool these dudes were starting from the shallow and cleared out. But I guess they didn't realize the magnitude cause they sat on the edge with their legs hanging over. When I had to bail cause they were in the way they said sorry, but didn't move their legs!! WTF. In the middle of the whole session this dude backs in pick-up truck into one of my favorite pockets in the bowl and just parks there. I didn't know what he was doing. I figured he was drunk and didn't know either. So I went back to the Vert ramp. When I came back to the bowl I realized he was patching up some holes in the concrete. So I settled down. Him and some other locals were drinking barley and smoking some questionable cigarettes at the top. They were very friendly and we bullshitted for a few. I finished off the day by taking my lady-friend to the best sushi place in Philly, Morimoto. Then some hip-hop dancing at club Fluid. It's hard to drive home to baltimore at 2 am, after skating all day, dancing, and drinking straight Jameson.
Peace out
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When I skated the key hole I quickly gained applause from some groms who were flicking boogers nearby. When i skated the pool these dudes were starting from the shallow and cleared out. But I guess they didn't realize the magnitude cause they sat on the edge with their legs hanging over. When I had to bail cause they were in the way they said sorry, but didn't move their legs!! WTF. In the middle of the whole session this dude backs in pick-up truck into one of my favorite pockets in the bowl and just parks there. I didn't know what he was doing. I figured he was drunk and didn't know either. So I went back to the Vert ramp. When I came back to the bowl I realized he was patching up some holes in the concrete. So I settled down. Him and some other locals were drinking barley and smoking some questionable cigarettes at the top. They were very friendly and we bullshitted for a few. I finished off the day by taking my lady-friend to the best sushi place in Philly, Morimoto. Then some hip-hop dancing at club Fluid. It's hard to drive home to baltimore at 2 am, after skating all day, dancing, and drinking straight Jameson.
Peace out
Check out some Mystery tips!
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