Monday, June 28, 2010

What up peeps?

Latest evidence!!

Alright!!! This is Bajeebas here and I am in true form! Its raining like a Mo Fo outside so I'm inside updating this shizzle! Everett dislocated his elbow last week! AAAArgh!!! Wellity well, at least we got some bitchin footy on the halfpipe. Dude, its built right! And so am I with more muscles than your average skater. I ride like an effin tank. 6 foot 2, 210 lbs. solid muscle baby. This is what happens when you quit smoking and take up weight lifting. Now I feel like a pro wrestler. When i skate I can take some hits!

Anyway, want some cheap bearings? Abec 7 for super low price? Click Here!

Hope you all are rippin! Stay healthy and have fun!

want some skateboarding secrets? Click Here!